Angular Tutorial

Angular is a popular open-source web application framework developed and maintained by Google and a community of developers.

It's used for building dynamic, single-page web applications (SPAs) and complex user interfaces and supports large-scale application development.

It provides a wide set of tools and libraries for various tasks involved in web development, such as forms handling, routing, HTTP client, and state management.

Some key features and concepts of Angular:


Component-based architecture:

Angular applications are built using components, which are self-contained units of UI, behaviour, and functionality. Components encapsulate HTML templates, styles, and logic, making it easier to build and manage complex user interfaces.

Data Binding:

It provides data binding mechanisms that automatically synchronize data between the view (HTML template) and the model (component). This includes one-way binding `{{}}`, property binding `[]`, event binding `()`, and two-way binding `[()]`.

Dependency Injection (DI):

Dependency Injection (DI) system facilitates the creation, management, and injection of dependencies into components, services, and other Angular constructs. DI promotes modularity and reusability.


Directives in Angular are syntax on DOM elements that instruct Angular to attach specific behaviour on Elements. Directives can be structural (e.g., ngFor, ngIf) or attribute-based (e.g., ngModel, ngClass), allowing developers to extend HTML functionality and create reusable components.


Services are singleton objects in Angular that encapsulate business logic, data access, and shared functionality. Angular's DI system enables the injection of services into components, allowing for modular and reusable code.

Forms and Validation:

Angular offers robust support for building and validating forms, including template-driven forms and reactive forms (model-driven forms). Angular's form modules provide features such as data binding, validation, error handling, and form submission.



Angular applications are organized into modules, which are containers for related components, directives, services, and other Angular artifacts. Modules help in organizing and encapsulating application functionality.


Templates are HTML files that define the UI structure of Angular components. Angular's data binding mechanisms allow for seamless synchronization of data between components and templates.

Routing and Navigation:

Angular's router provides a mechanism for managing navigation and routing between different views (components) in an application. It enables developers to define routes, handle route parameters, and implement route guards for authentication and authorization.

HTTP Client:

Angular's HttpClient module simplifies the process of making HTTP requests and handling responses in Angular applications. It provides features such as request and response interception, error handling, and support for observables.